Friday, January 31, 2020

TED Talk video

Here is the link to the TED Talk video we watched in class on living on Mars.  Make sure your drawing of a colony includes some of the details for survival on Mars from the video.

TED Talk - Living on Mars

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Planet Research Site

Here is a link to the NASA page that will help you in your research.  Once there, there will be an option at the top of the page labeled "Planets".  Click on that and you will see all the planets.  Click on the planet you are trying to find information on.  Remember, make your information interesting...something you may not have known before or information that you think your fellow peers will think is cool.  You need to have a minimum of 3 facts.

NASA - Solar System Overview

Monday, January 6, 2020

Early Dismissal Days

Early dismissal days are next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday due to exams.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Patterns of Movement

Here is the powerpoint to be used for Friday's science classes:

Click on the link, after it opens
Look at the top and click on the download icon
Ot the bottom left, you will see the PowerPoint has downloaded - click on that
Click on the Play button at the top (looks like a sideways triangle)

Patterns of Movement

Mystery Science

Here is the link to the Mystery Science activity we did in class today:

Mystery Science: Seasons